Classic Tea Mixtures - Teehandelshaus Benjowski

Catalogue Navigation
Item search
Item view
Shopping Cart
Registration / Log In
Forgot your password?

Catalogue Navigation

If you click on one of the categories on the left, you should either see a list of relevant items, or an overview of further subcategories, which will appear both in the left-hand column and in the centre of the webpage.

You can select a specific subcategory by either clicking on the item in the left-hand column or in the centre of the webpage.
If you click on a product image, a larger version of the same image will open in a new window. These images have been photographed at quite a high resolution (max. size is 1.5MB) to provide more detail and can be used as background images.
If your internet connection is slow, it might be better not to click on the image link as it may take a long time to load.
Some sub-categories have the link 'download as PDF'. If you click on this link, a new window will open, which will allow you to download a list of all the articles belonging to this category. Please note that the higher up you are in the catalogue hierarchy, the longer the list will be; we would ask all users with slow-speed internet access to be patient.

Item search

You can search by key word or item number, but – above all – please remember to select the desired search option. Once you have entered the item number you will be guided directly to the desired article; otherwise you will receive a list of all the search results.

Item view

More or less self-explanatory :-)

(If you click on a product image, a larger version of the same image will open in a new window. These images have been photographed at quite a high resolution (max. size is 1.5MB) to provide more detail. If your internet connection is slow, it might be better not to click on the image link as it may take a long time to load. )

Shopping Cart

You can add items to your shopping cart without having to log in or register. If you decide to buy the item(s) in your cart you will be asked to register or log in.

Should the item you want to order be available in different weights or units, or be offered in a range of colours or shapes (as is custom with our Japanese teapots), please make sure that you have indeed selected the correct product before proceeding to checkout.

Once you have clicked on the shopping cart in the upper right hand corner you will be taken to the shopping cart view, where you have two options:

Should you wish to remove / delete an article, please uncheck the appropriate box and click on 'Update'.
Should you wish to change the amount, please enter the desired amount in the quantity field and click on 'Update'.

Of course you can update several items simultaneously.

Should the items in your shopping cart not yet have reached a minimum order value of 15 €, then a message will appear under the shopping cart view and the 'Complete Purchase' button will be greyed out.


Once you have clicked 'Complete Purchase' in the shopping cart view, your address will be displayed. If all the details are correct, please click 'Continue'. Click on 'Change' if you wish to change any details. You will then be directed to a form where you can make any necessary changes.

If you click 'Continue', you will be directed to a page where you will be asked to select the shipment method and to check the checkbox agreeing to our terms and conditions. Orders exceeding a total value of 75€ will be shipped free of charge (within Germany only).

A detailed record of the items that you ordered can be downloaded and saved as a PDF document.

Registration / Log In

If you are in the shopping cart view, you can reach the log-in page by you clicking the 'Complete Purchase' button. This button will not appear as long as the total value of your order is below 15€.

If you have already registered, you can log in with your email address and personal password, or, if you are new to our site, by setting up a customer account.

Once you have created a new account you can choose your own password. Please enter a valid email address for your log-in name. Please make sure that you have spelt it correctly and that you have noted the correct spelling of your log in and password!
If you make any spelling errors, we will not be able to contact you or send you a new password.

Forgot your password?

If you already have a customer account and have forgotten your password, please use the Reset Password link in the log-in window. Please do not send us a request to send you a new password, as passwords are encrypted before being stored in our database and we are unable to decrypt or access them!

Please enter your email address and make sure that you have spelled it correctly. Due to data protection regulations our system is prohibited from confirming whether it has found your email address. If you have entered your email address correctly, you will be issued with a new password within a few seconds, which is made up of random letters and numbers. You will be able to log in to the shop immediately with this password and can change it anytime.


You can ask us any questions, send recommendations or tell us about about any improvements you would like us to make. Please make sure that you have entered the correct email address and that it is spelled correctly!
If you are already logged in and are using the contact form, the system will enter your name and email address automatically in the form.